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2022-09-13 11:37:49 -05:00
' FILE: ExportUsersAndGroupMembership.vbs
' AUTHOR: Brian Arriaga
' CREATED: 9 JAN 2015
' MODIFIED: 9 JAN 2015
' PURPOSE: This script loops through all Users of a specified site and performs the GetPermissionGroupsOfUser() COM API method along with
' objLogFile.WriteLine() to record the data in "username,group" format to an output file
' The output text file can be used with ImportUsersAndGroupMembership.vbs to import the user+group memberships.
' Can be used to backup group memberships in scenarios were Group membership settings are being lost.
' NOTE: The creation and modification of COM API scripts is not within the standard scope of Support.
' All COM API scripts are supplied as a courtesy "AS IS" with no implied or explicit guarantee of function.
' GlobalSCAPE is not responsible for any damage to system or data as a result of using supplied COM API scripts.
' Further information and usage instruction on COM API methods can be found online within the help file: http://help.globalscape.com/help/
Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer")
'Modify the below connection details to reflect your own environment.
txtServer = "localhost"
txtPort = "1100"
txtAdminUserName = "eftadmin"
txtAdminPassword = "a"
txtSiteName = "GS"
'Folder to apply group/user permissions to
txtVFSName = "/usr/grouptesting"
'Group to add to folder
txtGroup = "testGroup"
'The below values specify each permission and whether or not the client has it
boolDirCreate = True
boolDirDelete = False
boolDirList = True
boolDirShowHidden = False
boolDirShowInList = True
boolDirShowReadOnly = False
boolFileAppend = True
boolFileDelete = False
boolFileDownload = True
boolFileRename = False
boolFileUpload = True
Dim theSite
g_strBuffer =""
Call ConnectToServer()
Call FindSite()
Call ListUsersAndGroups()
'This sub connects to the server
Sub ConnectToServer()
SFTPServer.Connect txtServer, txtPort, txtAdminUserName, txtAdminPassword
End Sub
'This sub finds the specified site
Sub FindSite()
set Sites=SFTPServer.Sites
For i = 0 to SFTPServer.Sites.Count-1
set theSite=Sites.Item(i)
if LCase(Trim(theSite.Name)) = LCase(Trim(txtSiteName)) then
exit for
End if
End Sub
'This Sub adds specified group/user to specified VFS folder
Sub ListUsersAndGroups()
set oPerm = theSite.GetBlankPermission(txtVFSName, txtGroup)
oPerm.DirCreate = boolDirCreate
oPerm.DirDelete = boolDirDelete
oPerm.DirList = boolDirList
oPerm.DirShowHidden = boolDirShowHidden
oPerm.DirShowInList = boolDirShowInList
oPerm.DirShowReadOnly = boolDirShowReadOnly
oPerm.FileAppend = boolFileAppend
oPerm.FileDelete = boolFileDelete
oPerm.FileDownload = boolFileDownload
oPerm.FileRename = boolFileRename
oPerm.FileUpload = boolFileUpload
End Sub
Set SFTPServer = nothing