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2022-04-27 14:05:07 -05:00
Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer")
CRLF = (Chr(13)& Chr(10))
txtServer = "localhost"
txtPort = "1100"
txtAdminUserName = "eftadmin"
txtPassword = "a"
If Not Connect(txtServer, txtPort, txtAdminUserName, txtPassword) Then
End If
siteName = "GS"
set siteToRemove = Nothing
set sites = SFTPServer.Sites()
For i = 0 To sites.Count -1
set site = sites.Item(i)
If site.Name = siteName Then
set siteToRemove = site
Exit For
End If
'OnTimer = 4097,
'OnLogRotate = 4098,
'OnServiceStopped = 4099,
'OnServiceStarted = 4100,
'MonitorFolder = 4101,
'OnMonitorFolderFailed = 4102,
'OnSiteStarted = 8193,
'OnSiteStopped = 8194,
'OnIPAddedToBanList = 8195,
'OnClientConnected = 12289,
'OnClientConnectionFailed = 12290,
'OnClientDisconnected = 12291,
'OnClientDisabled = 16385,
'OnClientQuotaExceeded = 16386,
'OnClientLoggedOut = 16387,
'OnClientLoggedIn = 16388,
'OnClientLoginFailed = 16389,
'OnClientPasswordChanged = 16390,
'OnClientCreated = 16391,
'OnClientLocked = 16392,
'OnFileDeleted = 20481,
'OnFileUpload = 20482,
'BeforeFileDownload = 20483,
'OnFileDownload = 20484,
'OnFileRenamed = 20485,
'OnFolderCreated = 20486,
'OnFolderDeleted = 20487,
'OnUploadFailed = 20489,
'OnDownloadFailed = 20490,
'OnChangeFolder = 20491,
'OnFileMoved = 20492,
'OnVerifiedUploadSuccess = 20493,
'OnVerifiedUploadFailure = 20494,
'OnVerifiedDownloadSuccess = 20495,
'OnVerifiedDownloadFailure = 20496,
'AS2InboundTransactionSucceeded = 24577,
'AS2InboundTransactionFailed = 24578,
'AS2OutboundTransactionSucceeded = 24579,
'AS2OutboundTransactionFailed = 24580,
If Not siteToRemove Is Nothing Then
Set rules = site.EventRules(4101)
Set objParams = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIFolderMonitorEventRuleParams")
objParams.Name = "TestFolderMon13"
objParams.Enabled = true
objParams.Description = "This is a test event rule"
objParams.Path = "C:\wd\monitor"
' Recurrence_Continually = 0,
' Recurrence_Daily = 1,
' Recurrence_Weekly = 2,
' Recurrence_Monthly = 3,
' Recurrence_Yearly = 4,
' Recurrence_Once = 5,
' Recurrence_Calendar = 6,
Set eventRule = rules.Add(rules.Count(), objParams)
'Add "If File name matches "*.txt" or "*.exe"" condition:
dim cond
set cond = eventRule.AddIfStatement(0, 5005, 16, Array("*.txt", "*.exe"), -1)
Set mail = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIMailActionParams")
mail.Body = "Test email"
mail.Subject = "Test"
mail.TOAddresses = ""
cond.ifSection.Add 0, mail
End If
WScript.Echo "Done"
Set SFTPServer = nothing
Function Connect (serverOrIpAddress, port, username, password)
On Error Resume Next
SFTPServer.Connect serverOrIpAddress, port, username, password
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error connecting to '" & serverOrIpAddress & ":" & port & "' -- " & err.Description & " [" & CStr(err.Number) & "]", vbInformation, "Error"
Connect = False
Exit Function
End If
Connect = True
End Function