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2022-04-27 14:05:07 -05:00
Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer")
CRLF = (Chr(13)& Chr(10))
welcomeMsg = "The script you are running is used to return the date and time for which all user's passwords expire for a particular site."
msgTitle = "Globalscape EFT Server"
serverMessage = "Enter EFT Server IP..."
portMessage = "Enter EFT Server Port..."
adminMessage = "Enter EFT Admin username..."
passMessage = "Enter EFT Admin password..."
siteMessage = "Enter the site name..."
txtMyOutputFileName = "EFT-PasswordExpirations.csv"
'Display welcome message
Call MsgBox (welcomeMsg, , msgTitle)
'Input Prompts
txtServer = InputBox (serverMessage, msgTitle)
txtPort = InputBox (portMessage, msgTitle)
txtAdminUserName = InputBox(adminMessage, msgTitle)
txtPassword = InputBox(passMessage, msgTitle)
If Not Connect(txtServer, txtPort, txtAdminUserName, txtPassword) Then
End If
siteName = InputBox (siteMessage, msgTitle)
Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WriteStuff = myFSO.OpenTextFile(txtMyOutputFileName, 8, True)
set theSite = Nothing
set sites = SFTPServer.Sites()
For i = 0 to SFTPServer.Sites.Count-1
set theSite=Sites.Item(i)
if LCase(Trim(theSite.Name)) = LCase(Trim(siteName)) then
WriteStuff.WriteLine("Users password expiration for " & theSite.Name & ":")
WriteStuff.WriteLine("Username,Password Expiration date")
arUsers = theSite.GetUsers()
For j = LBound(arUsers) to UBound(arUsers)
set userSettings = theSite.GetUserSettings(arUsers(j))
If userSettings.IsPasswordAgeLimited(pDate) Then
dtAccPssExp = Cstr(pDate)
dtAccPssExp = "Does not expire"
End If
WriteStuff.WriteLine(arUsers(j) & ", " & dtAccPssExp)
end if
Set SFTPServer = nothing
Function Connect (serverOrIpAddress, port, username, password)
On Error Resume Next
SFTPServer.Connect serverOrIpAddress, port, username, password
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error connecting to '" & serverOrIpAddress & ":" & port & "' -- " & err.Description & " [" & CStr(err.Number) & "]", vbInformation, "Error"
Connect = False
Exit Function
End If
Connect = True
End Function