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2022-04-27 14:05:07 -05:00
' FILE: get_date_user_last_connected.vbs
' CREATED: 10-26-2020 (
' UPDATED: 10-26-2020 (
' PURPOSE: Returns date/time a user last connected
' **This script is provided AS IS to our customers as a courtesy no support is provided in modifying or debugging this script.
' Set username variable with the username of the user you would like to view
Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer")
CRLF = (Chr(13)& Chr(10))
'Modify the following variables to match your environment
txtServer = "localhost"
txtPort = "1100"
txtUserName = "username"
txtPassword = "password"
txtSiteName = "MySite"
username = "a"
SFTPServer.Connect txtServer, txtPort, txtUserName, txtPassword
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error connecting to '" & txtServer & ":" & txtPort & "' -- " & err.Description & " [" & CStr(err.Number) & "]", vbInformation, "Error"
WScript.Echo "Connected to " & txtServer
End If
set Sites=SFTPServer.Sites
set theSite = Nothing
set sites = SFTPServer.Sites()
For i = 0 To sites.Count -1
set site = sites.Item(i)
If site.Name = txtSiteName Then
set theSite = site
Exit For
End If
set userSettings = theSite.GetUserSettings(username)
MsgBox "Username: " &CStr(username)&" " & "Last Connection Time: " & CStr(userSettings.LastConnectionTime)
'Close all variables
Set theSite = nothing
Set SFTPServer = nothing