'FILENAME: ExportVirtualPermissions.vbs 'DATE: 1 JUL 2011 'PROGRAMMER: A. ACUNA 'USE: Use this to export all the permissions in a site. '**** run cmd "cscript (script location) > (location of output txt document)**** 'Create GlobalSCAPE object Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer") Dim strHost, strLogin, strPassword, strTextFile, strSite, strPort Dim oSFTPServer, oSites, oSite CRLF = (Chr(13)& Chr(10)) 'Comment this next line if you want to use arguments passed to the script If (ProcessArgs=-1) then wscript.quit 'Un-comment if you want to hardcode the variable info REM strHost = "" REM strPort = "1100" REM strLogin = "test" REM strPassword = "test" REM strTextFile = "output.txt" REM strSite = "MySite" WScript.Echo "Runtime Parameters:" & vbCrLf & "-------------------" & vbCrLf & _ "strHost = " & strHost & vbCrLf & _ "strPort = " & strPort & vbCrLf & _ "Login = " & strLogin & vbCrLf & _ "Password= " & strPassword & vbCrLf & _ "strSite = " & strSite & vbCrLf & _ "strTextFile = " & strTextFile & vbCrLf 'Get File Object Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Create/overwrite log file Set objLogFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strTextFile, True) Call ConnectAndLogin() Sub ConnectAndLogIn() Dim WshShell ' Let's check to be sure we can connect to the specified EFT Server: WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo Chr(9) & "Connecting to " & strLogin & "@" & strHost & ":1100 [Site " & strSite & "]" Set oSFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer") ' NOTE we assume default ADMIN port of 1100 -- please chang this if you have ' manually configured your EFT to be different. On Error Resume Next oSFTPServer.Connect strHost, CLng(strPort), strLogin, strPassword If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo Chr(9) & "Error connecting to '" & strHost & ":" & 1100 & "' -- " & err.Description & " [" & CStr(err.Number) & "]", vbInformation, "Error" WScript.Echo Chr(9) & "Attempting to restart service..." err.Clear Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") call WshShell.Run("net start ""eft server""", 1, true) Set WshShell = nothing WScript.Echo Chr(9) & "Waiting for 5 seconds for the service to initiate..." WScript.Sleep 5000 WScript.Echo Chr(9) & "Connecting to " & strLogin & "@" & strHost & ":1100 [Site " & strSite & "]" oSFTPServer.Connect strHost, CLng(strPort), strLogin, strPassword If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo Chr(9) & "Error connecting to '" & strHost & ":" & 1100 & "' -- " & err.Description & " [" & CStr(err.Number) & "]", vbInformation, "Error" WScript.Quit 253 Else WScript.Echo Chr(9) & "Connected to " & strHost end if End If On Error GoTo 0 ' resume error trapping set oSites=oSFTPServer.Sites Dim iCount For iCount=0 to oSites.count - 1 Set oSite = oSites.Item(iCount) if LCase(Trim(oSite.Name)) = LCase(Trim(strSite)) then exit for End if Next WScript.Echo Chr(9) & "Connected to site '" & oSite.Name & "'" & vbCrLf End Sub '============================================================================== ' ' ProcessArgs ' ' Parse the command-line arguments. Results are set in global variables ' (strHost, strLogin, strPassword, strTextFile, strSite, strPort ). ' '============================================================================== public function ProcessArgs Dim iCount Dim oArgs on error resume next ' Default our arguments. Some are required. strHost = "" strLogin = "" strPassword = "" strPort = "1100" strSite = "" strTextFile="" ' Get the command-line arguments ' Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments if oArgs.Count > 0 then ' We have command-line arguments. Loop through them. iCount = 0 ProcessArgs = 0 do while iCount < oArgs.Count select case oArgs.Item(iCount) ' ' Server name argument ' case "-s" if( iCount + 1 >= oArgs.Count ) then Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 exit do end if strHost = oArgs.Item(iCount+1) iCount = iCount + 2 ' ' What port to connect to for EFT server. Default to 1100 ' case "-port" if( iCount + 1 >= oArgs.Count ) then Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 exit do end if strPort = oArgs.Item(iCount+1) iCount = iCount + 2 ' ' admin login name argument ' case "-u" if( iCount + 1 >= oArgs.Count ) then Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 exit do end if strLogin = oArgs.Item(iCount+1) iCount = iCount + 2 ' ' admin password argument ' case "-p" if( iCount + 1 >= oArgs.Count ) then Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 exit do end if strPassword = oArgs.Item(iCount+1) iCount = iCount + 2 ' ' Which site to look into. Defaults into 1. ' case "-site" if( iCount + 1 >= oArgs.Count ) then Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 exit do end if strSite = oArgs.Item(iCount+1) iCount = iCount + 2 ' ' CSVFile name argument ' case "-f" if( iCount + 1 >= oArgs.Count ) then Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 exit do end if strTextFile = oArgs.Item(iCount+1) iCount = iCount + 2 ' ' Help option ' case "-?" Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 exit function ' ' Invalid argument ' case else ' Display the syntax and return an error wscript.echo "Unknown argument: " & oArgs.Item(iCount) & vbCrLf Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 Exit function end select loop Else ' ' There were no command-line arguments, display the syntax ' and return an error. ' Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 End if Set oArgs = Nothing If ( strHost = "" OR strLogin = "" or strSite = "" or strPassword = "" or strTextFile = "" ) Then Syntax ProcessArgs = -1 End If End function ' ProcessArgs REM Start code here g_strVFSBuffer= "" 'Retrieve all the paths that have permissions in the config and decorate the orphans with a * arVFolders = oSite.GetPermPathsList("-do") 'Uncomment this next line to show the folder list for debug only 'objLogFile.WriteLine(arVFolders) 'Break down the return string by its delimiter CRLF arVFolders = Split(arVFolders, CRLF) For Each fl in arVFolders sPath = fl If Not IsOrphan(spath) Then WScript.Echo "Getting permissions for path: " & fl On Error Resume Next 'WScript.Echo "Calling GetFolderPerms " pFolder = oSite.GetFolderPermissions(sPath) 'Check to see if there was an error getting the permissions. If so, we don't want to write this to path to file. If Not Err.Number <> 0 Then 'WScript.Echo "Calling StorePermissions " Call StorePermissions(pFolder,sPath) Err.Number = 0 Else WScript.Echo "Error when checking folder: " & fl WScript.Echo "Error Description: " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description End If End If Next SFTPServer.Close Set SFTPServer = nothing 'Function used to determine if the returned path is an orphan in the VFS. Function IsOrphan(chkpath) IsOrphan = False If Right(chkpath,1) = "*" then IsOrphan = True End If End Function 'User-defined IIf function to perform ternary operation i.e. expression? true_value : false_value Function IIf(bCondition, sTrueValue, sFalseValue) if bCondition Then If IsObject(sTrueValue) Then Set IIf = sTrueValue Else IIf = sTrueValue End If Else If IsObject(sFalseValue) Then Set IIf = sFalseValue Else IIf = sFalseValue End If End If End Function Function StripVirtualPortion(ByVal sPath) Dim iPos , sVirtualFolderPath,bIsVirtual iPos = InStr(1, sPath, " - Virtual", 1 ) If ( iPos > 0 ) Then WScript.Echo "-->Stripping VIRTUAL portion of folder name" sVirtualFolderPath = sPath sPath = Left( sPath, iPos -1 ) & "/" End If StripVirtualPortion = sPath End Function function StorePermissions(arPerms, strFullFolderPath) Dim iCount, oPermission sPath = StripVirtualPortion(strFullFolderPath) If sPath = "" Or Right(sPath, 1) <> "/" Then sPath = sPath & "/" End If 'WScript.Echo "Begin StorePerimssions: Exporting data for folder " & strFullFolderPath 'WScript.Echo "Looping through permissions..." For iCount = LBound(arPerms) To UBound(arPerms) Set oPermission = arPerms (iCount) 'WScript.Echo "DEBUG: Checking path... " & sPath 'WScript.Echo "DEBUG: Value of oPermission.InheritedFrom = " & oPermission.InheritedFrom 'If the current folder is the root folder Or 'If the folder path length matches that of the "inherited from" path '(means that personal permissions are set on the folder for this group and inherit status is not set) If (sPath = "/" Or (Len(sPath) = Len(oPermission.InheritedFrom))) then 'WScript.Echo "DEBUG: First If has been matched " 'Append permissions group name g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & strFullFolderPath & "," g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & oPermission.Client & "," 'Append folder permissions g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.FileUpload, "U", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.FileDownload, "D", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.FileAppend, "A", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.FileDelete, "D", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.FileRename, "R", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.DirShowinList, "S", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.DirCreate, "C", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.DirDelete, "D", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.DirList, "L", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.DirShowHidden, "H", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.DirShowReadOnly,"O", "-") g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & "," 'Append "Inherited from" foldername g_sOutPut = g_sOutPut & IIf(oPermission.Folder = "", "/", oPermission.Folder) WScript.Echo g_sOutPut g_strVFSBuffer = g_strVFSBuffer & g_sOutPut objLogFile.WriteLine(g_strVFSBuffer) g_strVFSBuffer = "" g_sOutPut = "" Else 'In case of virtual folder with inheritance set to true, then 'the above logic fails to make an entry into the back up permissions file 'so handle the virtual folder case here 'WScript.Echo "Else has been matched " 'If the folder is a virtual folder and if the folder entry is not found in the global buffer If InStr(1,strFullFolderPath, "- Virtual", 1 ) > 0 And InStr (1, g_strVFSBuffer, strFullFolderPath, 1) = 0 Then WScript.Echo "Found a virtual folder " + strFullFolderPath + " with inherited group permission. Adding a blank entry" g_strVFSBuffer = g_strVFSBuffer & strFullFolderPath &",,," objLogFile.WriteLine(g_strVFSBuffer) g_strVFSBuffer = "" End If End If Next end function Function Connect (serverOrIpAddress, port, username, password) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear SFTPServer.Connect serverOrIpAddress, port, username, password If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "Error connecting to '" & serverOrIpAddress & ":" & port & "' -- " & err.Description & " [" & CStr(err.Number) & "]", vbInformation, "Error" Connect = False Exit Function End If Connect = True End Function '============================================================================== ' Syntax ' Show the command-line syntax '============================================================================== public function Syntax wscript.echo vbCrLf & _ "Purpose: Export VFS tree permissions to a text file " & vbCrLf & _ "Usage: " & wscript.scriptname & " " & vbCrLf & _ "Required Arguments:" & vbCrLf & _ " -s EFT Server" & vbCrLf & _ " -u Admin username for EFT Server" & vbCrLf & _ " -p Admin password" & vbCrLf & _ " -site Site name on the server we are manipulating. Defaults to first site" & vbCrLf & _ " -f Path of text file to retrieve data " & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ "Optional Arguments: " & vbCrLf & _ " -? This help" & vbCrLf & _ " -port Admin port on EFT server. Defaults to 1100" & vbCrLf & _ "Example: " & wscript.scriptname & " -s localhost -port 1100 -u admin -p secret -site SiteName -f c:\migrate.txt" end function ' Syntax