-- EFT Purging script: tbl_Authentications -- Goal: Purge tbl_Authentications table of garbage logon attempts using non-existing usernames. -- USAGE -- Config: By default, the script will search for user account authentications attempts using 'root' or 'administrator' -- You can edit those terms or add your own by modifying the appropriate areas of this script (search for root or administrator) -- You can also specify a start and end range or use NULL, NULL which will dafault to deleting records back 60 days -- Change Log: -- 0.1: Initial version -- [NOTE: Added to upgrade_17.0.0.0- script to modify tbl_Authentications index IX_tbl_Authentications_User_Name to include Time_stamp] PRINT CONVERT(varchar(30), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 8) + ' Script started' -- USE EFTDB -- This procedure will print the version of this script IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_PurgeEFT_AuthenticationsVersion') IS NOT NULL DROP PROC dbo.sp_PurgeEFT_AuthenticationsVersion GO CREATE PROCEDURE sp_PurgeEFT_AuthenticationsVersion AS PRINT 'GlobalSCAPE, Inc. Purge Authentication Script Version 0.1' GO -- This procedure deletes Authentications based on username and date range IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_PurgeEFT_Authentications') IS NOT NULL DROP PROC dbo.sp_PurgeEFT_Authentications GO CREATE PROCEDURE sp_PurgeEFT_Authentications @startTime datetime = NULL, @stopTime datetime = NULL, @UserName nvarchar(50) = NULL, @debug bit = 0 AS EXEC dbo.sp_PurgeEFT_AuthenticationsVersion SET NOCOUNT ON IF @startTime IS NULL BEGIN set @startTime = '19700101 00:00:00' END IF @stopTime IS NULL BEGIN SET @stopTime = DATEADD(DAY, -60, GETDATE()) END -- Temporarily remove the ParentTransactionID -> TransactionID constraint ALTER TABLE tbl_Transactions DROP CONSTRAINT FK_tbl_Transactions_ParentTransID; BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION IF @debug = 1 PRINT CONVERT(varchar(30), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 8) + ' Deleting transactions for authentications'; -- Deleting the transactions should cascade delete to other tables if any associated transactions exist IF @UserName IS NULL -- Use default usernames DELETE FROM tbl_Transactions WHERE TransactionID IN (SELECT transactionID FROM tbl_Authentications WHERE (UserName = 'Administrator' OR UserName = 'root') AND Time_stamp BETWEEN @startTime AND @stopTime) ELSE DELETE FROM tbl_Transactions WHERE TransactionID IN (SELECT transactionID FROM tbl_Authentications WHERE UserName = @UserName AND Time_stamp BETWEEN @startTime AND @stopTime) -- Should be zero transactions to purge here, since cascade delete above should have handled them IF @debug = 1 PRINT CONVERT(varchar(30), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 8) + ' Deleting rows from tbl_Authentications with UserNames: ' + ISNULL(@UserName, 'Adminitrator, root'); IF @UserName IS NULL -- Use default usernames DELETE FROM tbl_Authentications WHERE (UserName = 'Administrator' OR UserName = 'root') AND Time_stamp BETWEEN @startTime AND @stopTime ELSE DELETE FROM tbl_Authentications WHERE UserName = @UserName AND Time_stamp BETWEEN @startTime AND @stopTime COMMIT TRANSACTION END TRY BEGIN CATCH -- If error, roll back IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK -- Raise an error with the details of the exception DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int SELECT @ErrMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY() RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1) END CATCH -- Re-establish the ParentTransactionID -> TransactionID constraint -- Make sure no orphans remaining DELETE FROM tbl_Transactions WHERE ParentTransactionID IS NOT NULL AND ParentTransactionID NOT IN (SELECT transactionID FROM tbl_Transactions); -- Now, add it back without cascade delete enabled ALTER TABLE tbl_Transactions ADD CONSTRAINT FK_tbl_Transactions_ParentTransID FOREIGN KEY (ParentTransactionID) REFERENCES tbl_Transactions (TransactionID) ON DELETE NO ACTION; GO EXEC sp_PurgeEFT_Authentications NULL, NULL, NULL, 1 -- EXEC sp_PurgeEFT_Authentications '2018-01-01', '2018-12-31', NULL, 1 PRINT '' PRINT CONVERT(varchar(30), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 8) + ' Script completed'