' ' FILE: CreateNewAdmin.vbs ' AUTHOR: Brian Arriaga ' CREATED: 2 June 2016 ' MODIFIED: 2 June 2016 ' ORIGINALLY CREATED FOR: EFT Server 6.5-7.3 ' PURPOSE: This script can create a new admin user or group within EFT Server by using the CreateAdmin method. ' This script was created as a workaround to add Universal Groups and Domain Local Groups as admins into EFT Server. ' In EFT Server 7.2.x and prior, these groups are outside of visible scope for the admin portion of AD viewer. ' To use this script, modify the connection details and the AdminAccountType, isGroup, NewAdminPassword, ' ' NOTE: The creation and modification of COM API scripts is not within the standard scope of Support. ' All COM API scripts are supplied as a courtesy "AS IS" with no implied or explicit guarantee of function. ' GlobalSCAPE is not responsible for any damage to system or data as a result of using supplied COM API scripts. ' Further information and usage instruction on COM API methods can be found online within the help file: http://help.globalscape.com/help/ ' Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer") CRLF = (Chr(13)& Chr(10)) 'Modify the below connection details to reflect your own environment. txtServer = "localhost" txtPort = "1110" txtAdminUserName = "a" txtAdminPassword = "a" 'Modify the below 4 entries to configure the admin account/settings you desire. 'AdminAccountType: ' EFTAccount = 0, ' LocalComputerAccount = 1, ' ADAccount = 2, AdminAccountType = 2 'group: ' True = Admin being added is a group ' False = Admin being added is not a group isGroup = True 'NewAdminPassword ' Enter the desired Name for the new adminUser ' If AD group is being used (AdminAccountType=2) make sure to specify the domain in Domain\Group format. NewAdmin = "" 'NewAdminPassword ' Enter the desired password for the new adminUser ' If group is being used, can be set to anything NewAdminPassword= "P@ssWord!" Call ConnectToServer() Call CreateNewAdmin() SFTPServer.Close Set SFTPServer = nothing '========================================== 'This sub connects to the server '========================================= Sub ConnectToServer() SFTPServer.Connect txtServer, txtPort, txtAdminUserName, txtAdminPassword If Err.Number = 0 Then WScript.Echo "Connected to EFT Server: " & txtServer End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "Error connecting to '" & txtServer & ":" & txtPort & "' -- " & err.Description & " [" & CStr(err.Number) & "]", vbInformation, "Error" End If End Sub '========================================== 'This sub create a new Admin User or Group into EFT Server using the "CreateAdmin" method in format CreateAdmin(Admin Name, Admin Pass, Admin Type, Admin is Group) '========================================= Sub CreateNewAdmin() Set adminUser = SFTPServer.CreateAdmin(NewAdmin, NewAdminPassword, AdminAccountType, isGroup) WScript.Echo "Admin login " + adminUser.Login + " created." End Sub