' ' FILE: CreateUserEX2.vbs ' AUTHOR: Brian Arriaga ' CREATED: 17 MAR 2015 ' MODIFIED: 17 MAR 2015 ' ORIGINALLY CREATED FOR: EFT Server 6.5-7.0.3 ' PURPOSE: This script creates a specified user using the CreateUserEX2 method. ' ' NOTE: The creation and modification of COM API scripts is not within the standard scope of Support. ' All COM API scripts are supplied as a courtesy "AS IS" with no implied or explicit guarantee of function. ' GlobalSCAPE is not responsible for any damage to system or data as a result of using supplied COM API scripts. ' Further information and usage instruction on COM API methods can be found online within the help file: http://help.globalscape.com/help/ ' Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer") 'Modify the below connection details to reflect your own environment. txtServer = "" txtPort = "1100" txtAdminUserName = "eftadmin" txtAdminPassword = "a" txtSiteName = "GS" createdFolder = "/Usr/created" Dim theSite Call ConnectToServerEx() Call FindSite() Call CreatePhysical() SFTPServer.Close Set SFTPServer = nothing '========================================== 'This sub connects to the server with AD authentication '========================================= Sub ConnectToServerEx() SFTPServer.ConnectEx txtServer, txtPort, 1, "", "" WScript.Echo "Connected to EFT Server: " & txtServer End Sub '========================================== 'This sub connects to the server '========================================= Sub ConnectToServer() SFTPServer.Connect txtServer, txtPort, txtAdminUserName, txtAdminPassword WScript.Echo "Connected to EFT Server: " & txtServer End Sub '========================================== 'This sub finds the specified site '========================================= Sub FindSite() set Sites=SFTPServer.Sites For i = 0 to SFTPServer.Sites.Count-1 set theSite=Sites.Item(i) if LCase(Trim(theSite.Name)) = LCase(Trim(txtSiteName)) then exit for End if Next WScript.Echo "Connected to site: " & theSite.Name End Sub '========================================== 'This sub Initializes the CINewUserData property, sets the variables and then creates a user account using the CreateUserEX2() method. '========================================= Sub CreatePhysical() theSite.CreatePHysicalFolder(createdFolder) End Sub