Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer") CRLF = (Chr(13)& Chr(10)) txtServer = "" txtPort = "1100" txtAdminUserName = "eftadmin" txtPassword = "a" siteName = "GS2" If Not Connect(txtServer, txtPort, txtAdminUserName, txtPassword) Then WScript.Quit(0) End If set selectedSite = Nothing set sites = SFTPServer.Sites() For i = 0 To sites.Count -1 set site = sites.Item(i) If site.Name = siteName Then set selectedSite = site Exit For End If Next 'To create an entry use the line below Dim isAllowEntry : isAllowEntry = True For index = 1 To 4 For index2 = 1 To 255 selectedSite.AddIPAccessRule "192.168." & index & "." & index2, isAllowEntry, 0 Next Next 'Remove IPAccessRule at position 'For index = 1 To 9408 'selectedSite.RemoveIPAccessRule(1) 'Wscript.echo "Removing IP Access Rule: " & index 'Next 'Old functions: 'allowedIPs = SFTPServer.GetAllowedMasks 'For each ip in allowedIPs ' WScript.Echo "Allowed: " + ip 'Next 'deniedIPs = SFTPServer.GetDeniedMasks 'For each ip in deniedIPs ' WScript.Echo "Denied: " + ip 'Next WScript.Echo "Done" SFTPServer.Close Set SFTPServer = nothing Function Connect (serverOrIpAddress, port, username, password) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear SFTPServer.Connect serverOrIpAddress, port, username, password If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "Error connecting to '" & serverOrIpAddress & ":" & port & "' -- " & err.Description & " [" & CStr(err.Number) & "]", vbInformation, "Error" Connect = False Exit Function End If Connect = True End Function