from datetime import date time = ln = input('What do you want the logger name to be?: ') an = input('What do you want the appender name to be?: ') ran = input('What is are the real appender names in the EFT logging.cfg?\nDelimit by "," like this:\n sftp,smtp,workspaces Case sensitive!: ') ran_list = [] if ',' in ran: ran_list = ran.split(',') ll = input('What level do you want the logging to be?: ') pre_str = 'log4cplus.appender.' l1 = f'\n#{ln} logger {time}\n' l2 = f'{pre_str}{an.lower()}=log4cplus::RollingFileAppender' l3 = f'{pre_str}{an.lower()}.File=${{AppDataPath}}\\EFT-{ln}.log' l4 = f'{pre_str}{an.lower()}.MaxFileSize=20MB' l5 = f'{pre_str}{an.lower()}.MaxBackupIndex=5' l6 = f'{pre_str}{an.lower()}.layout=log4cplus::TTCCLayout' l7 = f'{pre_str}{an.lower()}.layout.DateFormat=%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S,%q' l8 = '' l9 = '' if ran_list: while ran_list: ap = ran_list.pop() l8 += f'log4cplus.additivity.{ap}=false\n' l9 += f'log4cplus.logger.{ap}={ll.upper()}, {an.lower()}\n' else: l8 += f'log4cplus.additivity.{ran}=false\n' l9 += f'log4cplus.logger.{ran}={ll.upper()}, {an.lower()}\n' llist = [ l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, l8, l9] for obj in llist: print(f'{obj}\r')