# No Touchy file_list = [] build_list = True # Change to what ever you would like the extention of the name to be in the instructions. rn_ext = '.old' while build_list: file_name = input('Name of file? If done, type d: ') if file_name == 'd': build_list = False else: file_list.append(file_name) header_line = 'Hotfix Instructions:' print(header_line) line_counter = 1 service_off = f'{line_counter}.WARNING: Shut off the service on all nodes!' print(service_off) line_counter += 1 for fn in file_list: if fn == file_list[0]: main_line_rn = f'{line_counter}.Rename {fn} to {fn}{rn_ext} on all nodes. You can determine the location of this file by looking at the registry here:\n\t(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\\EFT Server Enterprise) \n\tThe default location for this file is in the "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Globalscape\\EFT Server Enterprise\\ directory".' print(main_line_rn) else: alt_line_rn = f'{line_counter}.Rename {fn} to {fn}{rn_ext} in that same folder on all nodes.' print(alt_line_rn) line_counter += 1 for fnc in file_list: alt_line_c = f'{line_counter}.Copy the {fnc} file into the respective directories on all nodes.' print(alt_line_c) line_counter += 1 validate_hotfix = f'{line_counter}.Verify the hotfix has been deployed by right clicking on the files in the destination and going to the details tab. Confirm the "Product version" property has a hotfix number.' print(validate_hotfix) line_counter += 1 service_on = f'{line_counter}.Start the service.' print(service_on)