You can map mdx blog content to layout components by configuring the frontmatter field. For example, this post is written with the new `PostSimple` layout!
The only required field is `children` which contains the rendered MDX content, though you would probably want to pass in the frontMatter contents and render it in the template.
Use the component is a page where you want to accept a layout name to map to the desired layout.
You need to pass the layout name from the layout folder (it has to be an exact match) and the mdxSource content which is an output of the `seralize` function from the `next-mdx-remote` library.
## Multiple authors
Information on authors is now split from `siteMetadata.json` and stored in its own `data/authors` folder as a markdown file. Minimally, you will need to have a `` file with authorship information. You can create additional files as required and the file name will be used as the reference to the author.
Here's how an author markdown file might looks like:
name: Tails Azimuth
avatar: /static/images/avatar.png
occupation: Professor of Atmospheric Science
company: Stanford University
A long description of yourself...
You can use this information in multiple places across the template. For example in the about section of the page, we grab the default author information with this line of code:
The frontmatter of a blog post accepts an optional `authors` arrray field. If no field is specified, it is assumed that the default author is used. Simply pass in an array of authors to render multiple authors associated with post.
For example, the following frontmatter will display the authors given by `data/authors/` and `data/authors/`
title: 'My first post'
date: '2021-01-12'
draft: false
summary: 'My first post'
authors: ['default', 'sparrowhawk']
A demo of a multiple author post is shown in the [Introducing Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog post](/blog/introducing-tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog).
## Copy button for code blocks
Hover over a code block and you will notice a Github inspired copy button! You can modify `./components/Pre.js` to further customise it.
The component is passed to `MDXComponents` and modifies all `<pre>` blocks.