The primary color attribute should be assigned an object with keys from 50, 100, 200 ... 900 and the corresponding color code values.
Tailwind includes great default color palettes that can be used for theming your own website. Check out [customizing colors documentation page]( for the full range of options.
Migrating from v1? You can revert to the previous theme by setting `primary` to `` (Tailwind 2.2.2 and above, otherwise `colors.lightBlue`) and changing gray to `colors.gray`.
From v1.1.2+, you can also customize the style of your code blocks easily by modifying the `css/prism.css` stylesheet. Token classnames are compatible with prismjs
so you can copy and adapt token styles from a prismjs stylesheet e.g. [prism themes](
We switched the MDX bundler from [next-mdx-remote]( to [mdx-bundler](
This uses [xdm]( under the hood, the latest micromark 3 and remark, rehype libraries.
**Warning:** If you were using custom remark or rehype libraries, please upgrade to micromark 3 compatible ones. If you are upgrading, please delete `node_modules` and `package-lock.json` to avoid having past dependencies related issues.
[xdm]( contains multiple improvements over [@mdx-js/mdx](, the compiler used internally by next-mdx-remote, but there might be some breaking behaviour changes.
Some new possibilities include loading components directly in the mdx file using the import syntax and including js code which could be compiled and bundled at the build step.
Components which are dependent on global application state on lifecycle like the Nextjs `Link` component would also not work with this setup as each mdx file is built independently.
Inspired by [Docusaurus]( and Gatsby's [gatsby-remark-table-of-contents](,
the `toc` variable containing all the top level headings of the document is passed to the MDX file and can be styled accordingly.
You can customise the headings that are displayed by configuring the `fromHeading` and `toHeading` props, or exclude particular headings
by passing a string or a string array to the `exclude` prop. By default, all headings that are of depth 3 or smaller are indented. This can be configured by changing the `indentDepth` property.
You can map mdx blog content to layout components by configuring the frontmatter field. For example, this post is written with the new `PostSimple` layout!
The only required field is `children` which contains the rendered MDX content, though you would probably want to pass in the frontMatter contents and render it in the template.
// supports plausible, simpleAnalytics or googleAnalytics
plausibleDataDomain: '', // e.g.
simpleAnalytics: false, // true or false
googleAnalyticsId: '', // e.g. UA-000000-2 or G-XXXXXXX
Custom events are also supported. You can import the `logEvent` function from `@components/analytics/[ANALYTICS-PROVIDER]` file and call it when
triggering certain events of interest. _Note_: Additional configuration might be required depending on the analytics provider, please check their official
Information on authors is now split from `siteMetadata.js` and stored in its own `data/authors` folder as a markdown file. Minimally, you will need to have a `` file with authorship information. You can create additional files as required and the file name will be used as the reference to the author.
You can use this information in multiple places across the template. For example in the about section of the page, we grab the default author information with this line of code:
The frontmatter of a blog post accepts an optional `authors` array field. If no field is specified, it is assumed that the default author is used. Simply pass in an array of authors to render multiple authors associated with a post.
Line highlighting and line numbers are now supported out of the box thanks to the new [rehype-prism-plus plugin](
For more information on the required variables, check out `.env.sample.`
Two components are exported, a default `NewsletterForm` and a `BlogNewsletterForm` component, which is also passed in as an MDX component
and can be used in a blog post:
<BlogNewsletterForm title="Like what you are reading?" />
<BlogNewsletterForm title="Like what you are reading?" />
The component relies on nextjs's [API routes]( which requires a server-side instance of nextjs to be setup
and is not compatible with a 100% static site export. Users should either self-host or use a compatible platform like Vercel or Netlify which supports this functionality.
A static site compatible alternative is to substitute the route in the newsletter component with a form API endpoint provider.
`rehype-citation` plugin is added to the xdm processing pipeline in v1.2.1. This allows you to easily format citations and insert bibliography from an existing bibtex or CSL-json file.
A bibliography will be inserted at the end of the document, but this can be overwritten by specifying a `[^Ref]` tag at the intended location.
The plugin uses APA citation formation, but also supports the following CSLs, 'apa', 'vancouver', 'harvard1', 'chicago', 'mla', or a path to a user-specified CSL file.
See [rehype-citation readme]( for more information on the configuration options.
Google font has been replaced with self-hosted font from [Fontsource]( This gives the following [advantages](
> Self-hosting brings significant performance gains as loading fonts from hosted services, such as Google Fonts, lead to an extra (render blocking) network request. To provide perspective, for simple websites it has been seen to double visual load times.
> Fonts remain version locked. Google often pushes updates to their fonts without notice, which may interfere with your live production projects. Manage your fonts like any other NPM dependency.
> Commit to privacy. Google does track the usage of their fonts and for those who are extremely privacy concerned, self-hosting is an alternative.
This leads to a smaller font bundle and a 0.1s faster load time ([webpagetest comparison](,220201_BiDcMC_bf2d53f14483814ba61e794311dfa771)).
To change the default Inter font:
1. Install the preferred [font]( - `npm install -save @fontsource/<font-name>`
2. Update the import at `pages/_app.js`- `import '@fontsource/<font-name>.css'`
3. Update the `fontfamily` property in the tailwind css config file
Nonetheless, if you want to do so and have not changed much of the template, you could clone the new version and copy over the blog post over to the new template.
You can see an example of such a migration in this [commit]( for my personal blog.
v1 also uses `feed.xml` rather than `index.xml`, to avoid some build issues with Vercel. If you are migrating you should add a redirect to `next.config.js` like so: