[](https://vercel.com/new/git/external?repository-url=https://github.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog)
This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/), [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) blogging starter template. Version 2 is based on Next App directory with [React Server Component](https://nextjs.org/docs/getting-started/react-essentials#server-components) and uses [Contentlayer](https://www.contentlayer.dev/) to manage markdown content.
Probably the most feature-rich Next.js markdown blogging template out there. Easily configurable and customizable. Perfect as a replacement to existing Jekyll and Hugo individual blogs.
Facing issues? Check the [FAQ page](https://github.com/timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog/wiki) and do a search on past issues. Feel free to open a new issue if none has been posted previously.
Feature request? Check the past discussions to see if it has been brought up previously. Otherwise, feel free to start a new discussion thread. All ideas are welcomed!
Astro alternative - [Tailwind Astro Template](https://github.com/wanoo21/tailwind-astro-starting-blog).
Remix-run alternative - [Tailwind Remix-run Starter Blog Template](https://github.com/SangeetAgarwal/tailwind-remix-run-mdxjs-typescript-starter-blog).
Internationalization support - [Template with i18n](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog-i18n.vercel.app/) and [source code](https://github.com/PxlSyl/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog-i18n/tree/main).
- [SOTO's Blog](https://www.atksoto.com/) - A more personalized personal website upgraded from V1 ([source code](https://github.com/acsoto/soto-blog-nextjs))
- [Prabhu's Blog](https://prabhukirankonda.vercel.app) - Prabhu's Personal website with blog ([source code](https://github.com/prabhukiran8790/prabhukirankonda))
- [Rabby Hasan's Blog](https://blog.rabbyhasan.com.bd/) - Rabby Hasan's personal blog about full stack development with cloud ([source code](https://github.com/rabbyalone/myblog))
- [zS1m's Blog](https://contrails.space) - zS1m's personal blog for recording and sharing daily learning technical content ([source code](https://github.com/zS1m/nextjs-contrails))
- [markpitblado.me](https://markpitblado.me) - Mark's personal blog about the internet, privacy, and books ([source code](https://github.com/mark-pitblado/personal-website))
- [Bryce Yu's Blog](https://earayu.github.io/) - Bryce Yu's personal Blog about distributed system, database, and web development. ([source code](https://github.com/earayu/earayu.github.io))
Thanks to the community of users and contributors to the template! We are no longer accepting new blog listings over here. If you have updated from version 1 to version 2, feel free to remove your blog from this list and add it to the one above.
- [GautierArcin's demo with next translate](https://tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog-seven.vercel.app/) - includes translation of mdx posts, [source code](https://github.com/GautierArcin/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog/tree/demo/next-translate)
- [onyourmental.com](https://www.onyourmental.com/) - [Curtis Warcup's](https://github.com/Cwarcup) website for the On Your Mental Podcast ([source code](https://github.com/Cwarcup/on-your-mental))
- [justingosses.com](https://justingosses.com/) - Justin Gosses's personal website and blog ([source code](https://github.com/JustinGOSSES/justingosses-website))
- [https://bitoflearning-9a57.fly.dev/](https://bitoflearning-9a57.fly.dev/) - Sangeet Agarwal's personal blog, replatformed to [remix](https://remix.run/remix) using the [indie stack](https://github.com/remix-run/indie-stack) ([source code](https://github.com/SangeetAgarwal/bitoflearning))
- [raphaelchelly.com](https://www.raphaelchelly.com/) - Raphaël Chelly's personal website and blog ([source code](https://github.com/raphaelchelly/raph_www))
I wanted to port my existing blog to Nextjs and Tailwind CSS but there was no easy out of the box template to use so I decided to create one. Design is adapted from [Tailwindlabs blog](https://github.com/tailwindlabs/blog.tailwindcss.com).
I wanted it to be nearly as feature-rich as popular blogging templates like [beautiful-jekyll](https://github.com/daattali/beautiful-jekyll) and [Hugo Academic](https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-modules) but with the best of React's ecosystem and current web development's best practices.
- Font optimization with [next/font](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/components/font)
- Integration with [pliny](https://github.com/timlrx/pliny) that provides:
- Multiple analytics options including [Umami](https://umami.is/), [Plausible](https://plausible.io/), [Simple Analytics](https://simpleanalytics.com/), Posthog and Google Analytics
- Comments via [Giscus](https://github.com/laymonage/giscus), [Utterances](https://github.com/utterance/utterances) or Disqus
- Newsletter API and component with support for Mailchimp, Buttondown, Convertkit, Klaviyo, Revue, and Emailoctopus
- Command palette search with [Kbar](https://github.com/timc1/kbar) or Algolia
`tailwind.config.js` and `css/tailwind.css` - tailwind configuration and stylesheet which can be modified to change the overall look and feel of the site.
`css/prism.css` - controls the styles associated with the code blocks. Feel free to customize it and use your preferred prismjs theme e.g. [prism themes](https://github.com/PrismJS/prism-themes).
`contentlayer.config.ts` - configuration for Contentlayer, including definition of content sources and MDX plugins used. See [Contentlayer documentation](https://www.contentlayer.dev/docs/getting-started) for more information.
`components/MDXComponents.js` - pass your own JSX code or React component by specifying it over here. You can then use them directly in the `.mdx` or `.md` file. By default, a custom link, `next/image` component, table of contents component and Newsletter form are passed down. Note that the components should be default exported to avoid [existing issues with Next.js](https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/51593).
- There are currently 3 post layouts available: `PostLayout`, `PostSimple` and `PostBanner`. `PostLayout` is the default 2 column layout with meta and author information. `PostSimple` is a simplified version of `PostLayout`, while `PostBanner` features a banner image.
- There are 2 blog listing layouts: `ListLayout`, the layout used in version 1 of the template with a search bar and `ListLayoutWithTags`, currently used in version 2, which omits the search bar but includes a sidebar with information on the tags.
`next.config.js` - configuration related to Next.js. You need to adapt the Content Security Policy if you want to load scripts, images etc. from other domains.
Content is modelled using [Contentlayer](https://www.contentlayer.dev/), which allows you to define your own content schema and use it to generate typed content objects. See [Contentlayer documentation](https://www.contentlayer.dev/docs/getting-started) for more information.
summary: 'Looking for a performant, out of the box template, with all the best in web technology to support your blogging needs? Checkout the Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog template.'
The easiest way to deploy the template is to deploy on [Vercel](https://vercel.com). Check out the [Next.js deployment documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying) for more details.
[Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/)’s Next.js runtime configures enables key Next.js functionality on your website without the need for additional configurations. Netlify generates serverless functions that will handle Next.js functionalities such as server-side rendered (SSR) pages, incremental static regeneration (ISR), `next/images`, etc.
See [Next.js on Netlify](https://docs.netlify.com/integrations/frameworks/next-js/overview/#next-js-runtime) for suggested configuration values and more details.
1. Add `output: 'export'` in `next.config.js`. See [static exports documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying/static-exports#configuration) for more information.
Alternatively, to continue using `next/image`, you can use an alternative image optimization provider such as Imgix, Cloudinary or Akamai. See [image optimization documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying/static-exports#image-optimization) for more details.
4. Remove `api` folder and components which call the server-side function such as the Newsletter component. Not technically required and the site will build successfully, but the APIs cannot be used as they are server-side functions.
5. Run `yarn build`. The generated static content is in the `out` folder.
6. Deploy the `out` folder to your hosting service of choice or run `npx serve out` to view the website locally.
Using the template? Support this effort by giving a star on GitHub, sharing your own blog and giving a shoutout on Twitter or becoming a project [sponsor](https://github.com/sponsors/timlrx).